I want to practice. But I can't find enough time for that because of work or study.
For people like that, this item was created.
Please try to carry this item and a mouthpiece in your bag.
It never bothers you so it doesn’ t take a lot of space.
You can pick this out and make sound immediately at lunch break or break.
Make a sound every day, don't skip practice even for a day.
By such small efforts, I'm sure that at the actual performance, you can experience a stable play which is different from what you have done before.
If you want to play well in front of people or make the actual performance enjoyable,
Then let's put this in your bag!!
If you can find the pitch with only the mouthpiece, you can blow the instrument easily.
Practicing to control the pitch by buzzing only with a mouthpiece is a common method, but it often results in adverse effects which tends to "forcibly make sounds", because the resistance is different from playing a real trumpet.
Since with BUZZMUTE, you can adjust resistance, so that you can practice with the resistance feeling close to that of real instruments. You can expect both correct pitch and grasping the center of sound easily. Also, since playing a trumpet is a complex action, practicing with VALVINO makes you play it with much closer feeling of real instrument. You will be able to connect breath, tongue, lips and fingers in ideal balance and timing!
I'm sure you will be able to get the most effective playing style naturally.
This is light and compact so I can carry it around easily.
Colorful looks are also good! Various combinations should be fun?
You can practice anywhere, from morning till night, with this.
It’ s good point that I can choose to practice only fingering or only BUZZ.
I can do image training easily before performance.
I think that product is also good for those who can't adjust the pitch well.
This made me feel like challenging a difficult song!
I recommend the wonderful VALVINO and BUZZMUTE to all players.
When I teach a lesson, I often see the situation that the movement of the piston doesn't catch up with the tempo without knowing and the sound collapses. It often happens that although controlling breath is well, the sound doesn’ t shift well.
VALVINO makes you notice fingering habit you haven’ t noticed, since you can focus on fingering.
By practicing with BUZZMUTE, now you can figure it out that you can do tonguing and fingering simultaneously. It’ s very helpful for me when I notice my fault. I strongly recommend practicing with a metronome.
Of course, you can not improve comprehensively without using real instruments, but repetitive practice is very important for physical parts like piston work, so I think that it is very good to practice easily even in an environment where you can't blow instruments.