It is very important to operate the valve precisely to play the trumpet. Even though you can make beautiful sounds, bad fingering will cause the out of tune or rhythm. Let's practice so that you can do precise fingering.
*We recommend using a metronome when practicing basics and song.

Valve practice points

  • VALVINO ピストンを打楽器のようなイメージで叩くように素早く押す
  • VALVINO 2つ以上のピストンを同時に押す時はバラつかないように
  • VALVINO 押すタイミングと離すピストンのタイミングを揃える
  • VALVINO どんなテンポの曲でもピストンを押す・離す速度は素早く一定に
excercise for VALVINO

When you practice buzzing, it makes you tend to blow too much only with mouthpiece, because there is difference in resistance between playing actual instrument and playing only with mouthpiece.
When you practice buzzing with mouthpiece, attach BUZZMUTE.
Attaching BUZZMUTE helps you practice with similar resistance of actual instrument has.
Attach BUZZMUTE to VALVINO, and let's practice in a set.
*We recommend using a metronome when practicing basics and song.

  • BUZZMUTE 練習法


excercise for VALVINO